ROUNDTABLE: Summer/Auxiliary Program Staffing, Onboarding, & Evaluation
Join this informal discussion with other Auxiliary Directors about the topic of seasonal and part time staffing for your auxiliary programs. For your school year programs, are you doing ongoing professional development, evaluations, or other training? How do you fit those into busy schedules? Looking to summer, how is summer staff recruitment going? What are your onboarding processes? How do you share payroll responsibilities with HR and the Business Office? What does your hiring process include for each employee? Come prepared to share your ideas, tools, and strategies with other SPARC members.
This discussion is open to SPARC members only. We welcome and encourage participation from anyone with involvement in auxiliary programs including Directors, Assistant Directors, CFOs, and any other school personnel that are interested. The discussion will be facilitated by SPARC Senior Advisors, with the goal of encouraging the participation of all attendees. Recordings are available to SPARC members within 24 hours.