WEBINAR: Decoding Attrition - The Six Components of Parent Retention

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (EST)
Zoom Meeting
Category: Webinars

Many schools have had a flood of inquiries and applications in the last two years, while others struggle to retain students as families made lifestyle changes during and after the pandemic. You may be looking at the best enrollment numbers in years or a high fail to yield rate, or perhaps a change in attrition numbers. How do you keep the students you have or work to improve the perception of your school or program? Through the results of many Attrition Studies conducted by Jill Goodman Consulting, participants will better understand parent and student behavior and why families choose to leave before graduation. That research resulted in the Six Components of Parent Retention, a framework of in-depth questions about the school's or program's parent experience. Participants will use that as an opportunity for self-reflection, assessment, and crafting a strategy to retain more families or to set your school or program up to attract the students you want. Learn how to create productive conversations within the faculty and administrative team with the understanding that retaining students today requires a different approach.


Jill Goodman is a consultant for independent and private schools with over 20 years of experience working with organizational leaders. She specializes in helping schools advance their mission through advancement-related research, strategic visioning, leadership mentoring, and development capacity-building.


Please contact SPARC.