WEBINAR: Summer Offerings that Hook Students in Grades 7-12

Tuesday, November 14, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (EST)
Zoom Meeting Link
Category: Webinars

Many summer programs focus on elementary-age students, but how might you expand your summer offerings into the higher grades? In this session we will share innovative courses and programs that have “hooked” that uncatchable demographic: students in Grades 7-12. In this session, we will share courses and programs that have appealed to students in Grades 7-12–and also some offerings that fell flat! From specialized camps to for-credit courses to internship style experiences, we will share programs that worked. By sharing successes and failures, we hope to inspire others to brainstorm new offerings that might work at their schools. We will build in time for session attendees to consider the interests of the middle and upper school students at their schools–and to consider how summer offerings for these students might further their school’s mission and DEIBJ objectives. Hopefully, you will come out of this session with at least one great idea for a course or program that could be a hit with Gr.7-12 students at your school!


Kat Yorks, Lakeside School, Director of Summer at Lakeside

Jim Patterson, Harvard-Westlake School, Director of the Kutler Center and Summer Programs


Please contact SPARC.