Social Events: The Heart of the SPARC Conference Experience

Posted By: Amy Grier SPARC News,

SPARC's 2024 National Conference is just days away! As you're busy planning which sessions you'd like to attend, keep in mind that there's a host of of scheduled--and spontaneous--social activities that you won't want to miss. Look for social opportunities in Sched, listed with all of the other SPARC sessions and events.

If Ignite Presentations are the brain of the conference--the place to learn and discuss new ways of strategizing, planning, and building your auxiliary programs--then the social activities are the heart, the gathering spots to meet peers and find the community that will support you throughout the year.

Make Authentic Connections

In fact, according to Planning Committee member Morgan Smith, it's not an accident that so many relationships start with conference social activities. They are intentionally planned with the goal of helping people within the auxiliary community connect with each other. 

“All the social activities are designed with the first-timer and the veteran attendee in mind. We are very authentic in our planning. We're truly planning for purpose of creating connections."

Because working in auxiliary can feel isolated or disconnected from other school departments, building relationships with auxiliary peers is a crucial part of thriving in the job. Morgan suggests embracing the fun of social events as a integral part of the conference experience because it leads to forming that supportive community of peers. "Even if it's karaoke, if it sounds fun, believe it or not, that's where you build those relationships that last forever."

Fellow Planning Committee Member Katie Peterson suggests following up with people you meet in sessions by attending social events together, or simply inviting them to join you for coffee or lunch. "This is how you build a bridge between the formal sessions and the more informal social events," she says. It's the informal experiences that allow for a deeper, human connection. By combining  the professional learning of sessions with relationship-building moments, you leave the conference with a powerful combination of skills and support to sustain you through the year.

Say 'Yes' as Much as Possible

Katie remembers not taking advantage of social opportunities at her first couple of conferences before she learned the power of saying yes. "I was a little shy. It was my third year where I decided ahead of time, okay, I’m really going to get into this networking and put myself out there, and that is when it felt like I got even more out of the conference… it wasn’t just the planned social events, but also connecting with a couple people I met in sessions.” 

Both Morgan and Katie emphasize leaning into discomfort by being willing to approach people and join in on conversations. "It's the most judgment-free zone I've ever been a part of," Morgan says. By attending conferences and making connections, she adds, "it provided me a sense of direction. A whole world opened up."

Katie also suggest comparing your experience to what you'd ask a camper to do. "It’s good to put ourselves in the mindset of our campers or our students when we’re asking them to do something new or try out a new idea. Everyone [at the conference] genuinely wants to share what they’re learning and their passions. Don’t miss out on those conversations. Allow yourself to take advantage of those opportunities because they really are a gift.”

Advice for First-Time Attendees

If it's your first SPARC conference and you're not sure how to get started meeting new people, Morgan says it's okay to "stay true to yourself. Find anybody who is part of the planning committee, we would love to introduce you to people and create those connections.” By simply introducing yourself to anyone in a SPARC t-shirt or who is staffing a reception booth, you get help breaking the ice with peers who could become lifelong auxiliary allies. 

“My biggest takeaway as a first-time attendee was the connections," says Morgan. "And I think where those connections are naturally born are the social aspects like the rooftop reception, lunches on the lawn, even in the courtyard between sessions with a group of colleagues at snack time. That’s what sets the SPARC conference apart. I’ve never met a group of people who are so willing to share and to support one another."

"Like Bob [Rojee] says, 'jump in the puddle!'" Katie adds. "Lean in and allow yourself to be pushed out of your comfort zone. It allows you to take away even more from a great conference."

If you find yourself not sure where to go, go to the pool. "You can find anyone at the pool," Katie says. Many roundtables are held there, and people show up in the afternoons for the early appetizers and drinks. "Just engage in conversation. The pool is where people gravitate to during their down time.”

Both Morgan and Katie are excited to return to the 2024 conference--especially for another round of the popular karaoke party. "I will never miss karaoke," Katie says.

 “What keeps you going back is the connections with people, says Morgan. "It’s like going to summer camp every year. And I’m looking forward to another awesome year.”

Looking to build your professional auxiliary skills with tools, webinars, roundtable discussions, regional events, and community support? Join SPARC today and gain access to all of this and more!