SPARC Tank is a unique opportunity for members to "pitch their peers" to gain valuable feedback and input from a group of other Directors. Ongoing innovation is a critical skill for successful Directors of Auxiliary Programs, and the SPARC Tank forum provides the ideal setting for vetting ideas before implementing them. Are you considering a new summer program? A new operational procedure? A creative strategy to engage families? Enter the SPARC Tank and let your experienced colleagues add value to your ideas and optimize your success!




Each SPARC Tank session will last one hour and include one or two pitches. The presenters and topics will be identified in advance so that attendees can decide whether or not they'd like to participate. Each pitch will include a brief presentation of the idea, the reasoning behind the idea, and identified opportunities and challenges. Presenters will then seek feedback from attendees regarding critical questions affecting the development of their idea.



Contact to send in your pitch!

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