From Insight to Implementation: How a SPARC Keynote Transformed a Camp Leader’s Vision

Posted By: Laura Kelly SPARC News,

Auxiliary program professionals know that inspiration often strikes at just the right moment, offering fresh ideas that ripple across an organization. At the 2024 SPARC National Conference, attendees were privileged to hear keynote speaker Michael Brandwein deliver a powerful session called “Creating Great Qualities in Young People,” emphasizing the vital role of character development. For Laura Kelly, Founder and CEO of DEAN Adventure Camps, Michael’s keynote was more than just inspiring—it was transformative.

How One Leader Transforms Inspiration into Action

As a seasoned leader in the independent school camp industry, partnering with schools for the last 15 years, Laura Kelly has always been focused on skill-building while having fun in DEAN Adventure Camps' specialty programming. But Michael’s keynote challenged her to look beyond these elements and consider how intentional character development can create even more impactful experiences for campers and their families.

“It’s not just about introducing new skills,” Laura explains. “Character development has always been an implicit aspect of our programs, but we’ve never communicated its significance in a way that allows parents to truly appreciate the profound value of camp. By explicitly emphasizing character building, we not only provide meaningful benefits to families but also establish a competitive differentiator that sets our camp apart.”

Michael’s insights pushed Laura to reflect on her programs’ mission and create a clearer alignment between their fun, skill-focused programming and the deeper qualities they are building in campers. This reflection even prompted Laura and her team to rewrite DEAN Adventure Camps’ mission statement, ensuring it explicitly highlights character development as a core value alongside skill-building and fun.

Taking Character Development to the Next Level

As we learned in the keynote, Michael’s message is part of a larger initiative supported by the American Camp Association (ACA) and the Lilly Endowment Fund. Their Character and Camp Initiative empowers camp leaders to prioritize character-building in their programs through innovative strategies and targeted resources.

The Character and Camp Initiative enhances and celebrates these efforts by providing camps with in-person and virtual training, educational tools, and other materials to strengthen character-building programs. For Laura Kelly, these resources provide a pathway to take Michael’s ideas even further. By exploring ACA’s tools and funding opportunities, Laura accesses research-backed methods and implements cutting-edge practices for character development at DEAN Adventure Camps.

“Michael gave us the inspiration, and the ACA’s Character and Camp Initiative provides the road map,” Laura shares. “Through these resources, we are not only improving our curriculum but also creating a lasting impact on the kids and families we serve. If we had not heard Michael's keynote, not only would we have not discovered the missing link in our messaging, but we also wouldn’t have known about all the resources and funding available to help support our mission. It’s so nice to be part of the SPARC community, whose sole purpose is to help me be better at my job.”

Turning Insights into Action

Inspired by Michael’s LASERBEAM framework for bringing out the best in young people, Laura and her leadership team undertook a strategic review of DEAN Adventure Camps’ curriculum and philosophy. The result? A series of key changes designed to elevate their impact:

  • Mission Statement Update: Laura brought back the message to her team and guided them in rewriting the camp’s mission statement to better reflect its dedication to building character, fostering friendships, and teaching essential life skills.

  • Curriculum Enhancements: Character development was integrated into daily programming with activities such as reflection exercises and teamwork challenges, ensuring that every camper leaves with more than just new skills.

  • Staff Training Improvements: Staff workshops now emphasize specific techniques for instilling resilience, empathy, and gratitude in campers, drawing directly from Michael’s methods.

  • Leveraging ACA Resources: Laura has joined the ACA’s Character Academy to take advantage of the Initiative’s funding and training materials to amplify the impact of these changes.

  • Engaging Parents: DEAN has begun integrating the initiative into its parent communications to highlight the deeper value of camp and how these programs instill essential qualities that extend far beyond the summer.

“Michael doesn’t just inspire ideas,” Laura shares. “He gives us tools to make those ideas actionable. Combined with ACA’s resources, we’re transforming how we think about and deliver character development.”

SPARC’s mission of advancing auxiliary program excellence is reflected in Laura’s experience. The rich, member-led content, diverse networking opportunities, and inspiring keynotes like Michael’s create a supportive environment where leaders can innovate and thrive. Join SPARC today to become a valued member school!