Jeff Malloy: SPARC 2024 Excellence in Auxiliary Award Winner

Posted By: Amy Grier SPARC News,

Jeff Malloy, Director of Operations and Director of Upper School at Oak Hall School in Gainesville, Florida, received the SPARC Excellence in Auxiliary Award for exemplary work and outstanding contributions to the field of independent school auxiliary programs. SPARC Executive Director Nat Saltonstall presented the award to Jeff at the 2024 National Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Jeff's extensive career includes a number of roles at Oak Hall School: Athletic Director, Director of Operations, and Director of Auxiliary Programs. Recently, he has moved into the role of the Director of Upper School.

"He has an amazing sense of humor, a customer service frame of mind, and is one of the true experts in the industry." 

Karen McCann McClelland, SPARC Senior Advisor

One of his most successful initiatives is the Community Sports League, which was born of a third-party vendor's failure to sustain a thriving sports program. The League welcomes any child, family, or school in the Gainesville community from ages Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5, and has grown to become a pipeline for prospective students and an important source of non-tuition revenue.

SPARC Senior Advisor and Jeff's long-time friend, Karen McCann McClelland, praises Jeff's long career in auxiliary programs. "He has an amazing sense of humor, a customer service frame of mind, and is one of the true experts in the industry. We will miss him as he moves away from the auxiliary programs world."

SPARC's Excellence in Auxiliary Award was created to recognize auxiliary excellence among the many outstanding individuals, programs, and schools within their membership. Find out how SPARC can help build and advance your auxiliary programs--join us today!